Winner of the Oral Presentation

Winner of Oral Presentation Session IB – Clinical Practice

Therapeutic Monitoring of Continuous Infusion Vancomycin Therapy in Critically Ill Patients at a Regional General Hospital in Southern Vietnam

Ms. Hien Tran (Vietnam)

Winner of Oral Presentation Session IC – Research

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors-related Thyroid Dysfunction: Influencing Factor Analysis, Prediction Model Development, and Management Strategy Proposal

Dr. Zaiwei Song (China)

Winner of Oral Presentation Session IIB – Clinical Practice

Impact of Clinical Pharmacist Interventions in Reducing Unnecessary Antibiotic Use for Early-onset Sepsis in the Neonatology Department

Ms. Yao Yao (China)

Winner of Oral Presentation Session IIC – Education & Research

The Effect and Economic Evaluation of Pharmacist- led Multi-agent Collaboration Medication Reconciliation - A Randomized Controlled Trial Study in Hubei Province

Prof. Da Feng (China)

Interprofessional Education Pedagogy & its Impact on Collaborative Competency in Hong Kong

Prof. Vivian Lee (Hong Kong, China)